Simple Ways to Say Someone ‘I Love You’
So you have set your eyes on someone, and you feel that instant connection with them. So what is that warm feeling in your heart? Well, it is not anything other than love. This is how love works, and this is how you fall head over heels for someone. But when you need to tell that person that you love them, there are ways to do so. Gone are the roads where the knight used to directly court the princess for marriage. Now you have to put in the work for your special one to love you back. And when everything fails, always remember that sending flowers to that person will still work.
Simple ways to say someone ‘I love you.’
Here are some of the simplest ways to say someone ‘I love you.’ Try them out if your direct approaches fail.
- Send flowers to them. Send flowers to your loved ones if you like them dearly. And if you are willing to hinge your bet and put your trust to an excellent service out there, then you can choose BloomsVilla.
2. Buy them a teddy bear. You know that girls like to have gifts so what is the best gift to give to your girl other than a teddy bear. A teddy bear is like your girlfriend or your boyfriend because they have a soft heart. And if you present them one viola, you will be selected as a potential court man.
3. Find quotes on the internet. If you are trying to say ‘I love you’ to a girl, then a quote will always be the prime help for you. Still, know that girls do love the fairy-tale romance sometimes, and sending a quote to them will amp the feeling.
4. Make sure that you write them a letter enclosed in a gifted envelope. Ditch the text because saying ‘I love you’ to someone is equivalent to choosing a job in a sector. Your special one is likely to say yes if you send them a letter.
5.Make sure that whatever you are saying is coming straight from your heart. Don’t pretend. If you stutter, then it won’t be an issue because you love them.
7. Send them a rose flower. A rose will never disappoint your special one and if you are saying something special to them. A rose is as dainty as it looks.
8. Make them a romantic song. Make it sure it comes straight from your heart. If you are writing the lyrics, then write the words based on the person you love. It will make them feel more special about themselves.
9. Show interest in the thing that your particular one show interest in. For example, if your special one likes to listen to a podcast, then you both tune into it and then listen to it. Once you have done hearing, slowly look into their eyes and say those words.
10. Send them a flower bouquet. If you choose Bloomsvilla for the service, then you can send midnight flower bouquets. It will be romantic for your special ones and show them how much they mean to you. If your lover stays in Gurugram, you can send flowers to Gurgaon using BloomsVilla’s express service.
11. Traveling with that person will help you to understand their interest and know your love more. And imagine one thing, when you both are going to a particular place then what the best time to say ‘I love you’ to them? Well, when the sun sets on the hill, answer these three magical words and that person will be bound to say yes.
12. Make their favorite dish which they like. Surely if you love someone, then you should know their taste and preferences as well. So if your loved ones love to have a particular item, take them out on a date and while having your dinner or lunch together, speak out.
13. Prefer to be alone with your loved one and say those words? Well, this way is simply because you need to add some time out and then you can say that to her/him.
14. Take care of them and hold their hands and say that you will be by their side throughout your life so if you love someone and want you to be their hard rock, proof that by yourself.
These are the simplest things you can do for someone to make them understand how much you love them. Once you have done these things, surely you will get the love back that you deserve. And especially don’t forget the flowers because an occasion or anything without flowers is as lame as it gets.